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​Our 100% Guarantee

​You are entitled to a 100% refund on all due payments and fees, if:

  • We do not remove any negative items worked on.

  • You have had four consecutive months from the time you retain our services and no results.

  • You have not used a credit-consulting agency nor attempted to repair your credit one year previous to signing up for our services.

  • You have had no new collections or missed payments during the time frame we are assisting you.

  • You have maintained credit monitoring services at all times during the time frame we are assisting you.

  • You agree to send updated reports from the three credit bureaus to us within 5 days of receipt.

  • You should receive updated credit reports every 35-45 days and make us aware if updated reports have not been received.

​You may cancel services at any time. Please notify us in writing 7 days before the next billing period.

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